CAPART – Council for Advancement of People’s Action and Rural Technology

CAPART is an autonomous society under the Ministry of Rural Development, established in 1986 to promote voluntary action towards implementation of projects for the enhancement of rural prosperity and to act as a catayst for development of technologies appropriate for the rural areas. Over the years, CAPART has assisted a large number of NGOs for implementation of variegated projects. CAPART’s assistance is spread over all parts of the country embracing diverse categories of schemes under Public Cooperation (PC), Organization of Beneficiaries, dissemination of Rural Technologies. Watershed Development and for people under Disability categories.

Re-engineering of CAPART

In order to achieve its larger objectives and perform the tasks assigned to it, CAPART has to reengineer its role and re-position itself appropriately to deal with the rural NGO sector in consonance with the hopes and aspirations of the people represented by this sector. Accordingly, the new Vision, Mission and revised set of Objectives of CAPART were considered and adopted by the Executive Committee and General Body of CAPART in their meetings held on 19th January, 2005.


The Vision of CAPART is to play a dynamic and catalytic role with the various GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES AND NGOs, influence public policy and contribute its share towards the may-sided development of Rural India.


The Mission of CAPART is to work in close coordination with rural NGOs and empower them by:

Engaging them in dialogue.

Respecting their thoughts and ideas.

Listening to their voice.

Harnessing their resources.

Funding their activities.

Strengthening their hands, particularly the women, the weaker sections of society and the disabled and other underprivileged sections of rural society, and

Walk hand-in-hand with them on the road to rural properity.

Reclassified Programs and Schemes to be supported by CAPART in the context of its revised set of Goals and Objectives.

In response to the suggestions and ideas put forward by the NGOs during the Regional Meetings and in the light of experience gathered in the implementation of different categories of projects and having regard to innovation, flexibility and local needs and requirements called for on the part of CAPART, it is proposed to classify the schemes for assistance from CAPART under six broad categories. All these programmes being presently implemented by CAPART and those proposed to be undertaken in view of the new Vision and Mission are now part of these six reclassified categories. These reclassified categories of schemes have been worked out in such a way by retaining the existing schemes and also adding new schemes and bringing about rationalisation and concentrated focus under each category on one important dimension or other in the area of rural development. Above all, it should be mentioned here that CAPART will henceforth have a special scheme exclusively for rural women, SC/ST and disadvantaged and disabled categories of people for empowering them under the aegis of NGO action.

The reclassified programmes and schemes are :

1. Natural Resource Development and Management (NRDM)

2. Rural Industrialization, Income Generation and Market Access (RIIMA)

3. Technologies for Rural Development and Promotion of Information Technology (TRO & PIT)

4. Rural Infrastructure Development Scheme (RIDS)

5. Scheme for Empowerment of Rural Women, SC/ST and Disadvantaged Groups and for Persons with Disabilities (PWD) in rural areas.

6. Human Resource Development Scheme (HRDS)

Main Characteristics of the Programmes and Schemes of CAPART

The changing guiding principle for funding is “Fund only those carefully selected ones who have done or have the potential of doing outstanding work in the empowerment and welfare of the disadvantaged”. Selection of such NGOs will be based on the objective assessment by CAPART and the concerned NSCs/RCs, keeping in view their ability to capitalise and underscore the intrinsic system of rural society and the rural poor.

The other aspect which CAPART laid emphasis on is “to reach out to the smaller NGOs and those working in remote areas who require hand holding and guidance in order to get access to CAPART assistance”.

It may be added here that CAPART’s main role is to support innovation and to publicise successful interventions by the voluntary sector to the wider world.

It is necessary to stress that implicit in the aforesaid objectives of CAPART is the philosophy that CAPART projects will be based on a holistic approach to rural development integrating various development activities for achieving the goals of preservation of bio-diversity and environment, enhancement of bio-mass production, social safety network, gender equity, rural health and education, revival of traditional knowledge and technologies and harnessing of locally available renewable sources of energy with the objective of making villages self-sufficient in energy requirements.

Details of the six classified Programmes & Schemes funded by CAPART

Nomenclature of the six classified Programme & Schemes there under for which CAPART assistance will be available

1. Natural Resource Development and Management (NRDM)

2. Rural Industrialization, Income Generation and Market Access (RIIMA)

3. Technologies for Rural Development and Promotion of Information Technology (TRD & PICT)

4. Rural Infrastructure Development Scheme (RIDS)

5. Scheme for Empowerment of Rural Women; SC, ST & Disadvantaged groups and for Persons with Disabilities (PWD) in rural areas

6. Human Resource Development Scheme (HRDS)

Specific projects that could be formulated for CAPART assistance under the six classified programme and schemes

1. Natural Resource Development and Management (NRDM)


Development of land & traditional water resources

Conservation of soil and run-off water through various means

Promotion of moisture retention technologies

Promoting lift irrigation on riverbed

Development and exploitation of natural springs

Exploitation of ground water for irrigation

Roof water collection for recharging and drinking water

Water management

Development of environment through the promotion of social forestry

Farmers training and demonstration

Farmers exchange programme

Refinement of existing skills

Irrigation and land based development programmes for small and marginal farmers

Seed production and certification

Promotion of sustainable agriculture (to include promotion of composting, bio-pesticides post harvest technologies)

Fodder development & promotion programmes

Intervention during calamity for implementation of long term development programmes of rehabilitations and settlement.

II. Rural Industrialization, Income Generation and Market Access (RIIMA)

To focus on economic empowerment of rural entrepreneurs, optimize their productive efforts, facilitate marketing strategies designed to benefit them in the era of free exports and imports and global competition.

To promote market research, identification of areas of development and products relevant to rural areas.

Refinement/upgradation of prevailing skills through training to compete in the market.

Promotion of the establishment of Household, Village and Community Enterprises.

To take up Entrepreneurship Development Programmes.

To establish common infrastructural service centers to promote networking on design development, product diversification, sharing of expertise, standardization, branding, packaging and marketing.

To promote marketing efforts in association with the KVIC, trade associations etc. for the national market.

To set up rural godowns, haats and showrooms under the aegis of NGOs/SHGs and encourage them to take equity in these ventures and emerge in the process as promotes of value-added marketing facilities and ventures in their own areas and future establishment of rural stock exchanges in close collaboration with NABARD, SIDBI and other commercial banks.

To organize Gram Shree Melas, Buyers Seller Meets, Workshops, interactive sessions, etc. at the local regional and national level on expanded scale by establishing wherever necessary and feasible, permanent facilities for organizing these melas.

To facilitate direct exports, assistance will be provided to the potential NGOs/SHGs by introducing market access initiative schemes and market development assistance schemes on a sample basis with CAPART funding.

To encourage export efforts of the NGOs/SHGs on a sustainable basis, facilitate establishment of linkages between NGOs/SHGs with the concerned Export Promotion Council, export related agencies and associations and commodity boards of the Ministry of Commerce. Endeavour will be made to provide training opportunities

for the NGOs/SHGs under the HRD Schemes of CAPART by involving resource personnel from IIFT, NIFT, NID, Indian Institute of Packaging, banking institutions and other appropriate agencies.

Promotion of sustainable agriculture (to include promotion of composing, bio-pesticides, post harvest technologies)

Fodder development and promotion programmes

Intervention during calamity for implementation of long term development programmes of rehabilitation and resettlement

Organising aggressive publicity campaign and strategic marketing initiatives for popularizing and positioning of the products of the NGOs/SHGs in the national as well as in the international markets.

III. Technologies for Rural Development & Promotion of Information Technology (TRD & PIT)

To act as national nodal point for coordination of all efforts in development and dissemination of innovative technologies relevant to rural areas;

To act as a catalyst for development of technology appropriate for rural areas by identifying and funding sharply focused and need-based projects;

To act as a clearing house of information and build up a data bank of technologies for rural areas;

To facilitate validation of proven technologies for commercialization.

To acts as a conduit for transfer of appropriate rural technologies to voluntary agencies, Government departments, public sector undertakings and members of public;

To create a network of Voluntary Organizations on a regional basis which could understand and then carry forward the thrust of rural technology to the rural areas

To assist Voluntary Organisations to set up Demonstration Training Centres for upgrading the skills of village youth, artisans, women and other target groups for their effective participation in development programmes;

To conduct or sponsor awareness camps, training programmes, meetings, seminars, workshops, conferences, consultations, to promote interaction between Government agencies, technical institutions and voluntary agencies working in the field of rural development and technology.

To document, prepare, print and publish papers, periodicals, bulletins, monographs, books, video Films and CDs etc. for dissemination of appropriate technologies.

Promotion of Technology’ Service Centers at Secondary Level

To propagate tested technologies

Refine the technology for adoption as per the local requirements through training and extension

To create multiplier effect through motivation and demonstration

Promotion of Communication Resource Network

It is meant for established and credible organizations to gather information on local developments, success stories etc. and share such relevant information amongst the organizations working in and around the area of operation through print and electronic media.

Training in Computer Application

To train rural youth for employment

To facilitate establishment of Internet Kiosks for Rural Areas

Popularization of computer application as teaching aids in rural schools

Promotion of e-commerce/online trading

Promotion of Networking among NGOs to share development experiences

Itellectural Property Rights and Related Issues

The programme is meant to facilitate NGOs to patent the technology, process etc, developed by them

IV. Rural Infrastructure Development Scheme (RIDS).

1. Rural Innovative Housing and Habitat Development

Livelihood component will be promoted for projects with credit tie-ups

Should be promoted preferably within the existing habitat

Cluster house promotion away from the existing habitat should have beneficiaries consent, developed internal link roads and transport linkage

Use of local materials and services to be promoted

Use of acceptable innovative technologies to be adopted

Training and production in building material manufacturing units to be promoted

Training of masons

Components eligible for funding: houses, latrines and soak pits, smokeless chulha, work sheds, community hall, internal road & drainage, plantation, kitchen garden, drinking water and a garbage collection center.

Solar Lighting with necessary subsidy component and tapping of other non-conventional energy sources will be promoted

Promotion of common community biogas to be promoted

Model habitat / village to be promoted on the lines of Heveda Bazar village, Nashik, Maharashtra

2. Environmental Sanitation

Creation of drinking water sources (community wells, hand pumps, drinking water ponds with filtration arrangements, spring exploitation, roof water harvesting, distribution of water filters, community desalination unit, community kund/tanka etc.)

Awareness Generation on health and hygiene

School Sanitation for both government and private schools with PTA participation

Promotion of appropriate, cost effective, individual latrines

Community Village Drainage

Recycling of solid and liquid waste

Promotion of nursery

Promotion of Kitchen/Nutrition/Herbal garden

Promotion of avenue plantation

Revival of defunct wells through water harvesting

Promotion of water recharging mechanism

Establishment of sanitary mart with building material manufacturing unit

Production of IEC materials

3. Other Rural Infra Structure Development Projects

Rural road development with community participation

Promotion of rural godowns/cold storage with bank finance

Establishment of rural markets (e.g. farmers market, raitu bazaar)

Establishment of community work sheds for rural artisans

Establishment of sustainable agro service centers including soil testing laboratories/vet centres polytechnic to train rural youth

Providing Urban Service in Rural Areas (PURA)

Resettlement and Rehabilitation of displaced families

Rolling Plan Financing Programme

NRI-NRIV Programme

V. Scheme for Empowerment of Rural Women; SC, ST & Disadvantaged groups and for Persons with Disabilities (PWD) in rural areas

Mobilization, promotion & formation of SHGs/federations

Leadership training and capacity building

Skill Orientation for productive employment

Promotion of barrier free environment

Sensitization of employers (Public and Corporate Sectors)

Livelihood promotion with credit linkages/internal savings

Revolving fund and Seed Capital

Promotion of health and education

Empowerment through issue based awareness generation programmes (eg., girl child infanticide/foeticide, dowry, de-addition etc.)

Economic Rehabilitation of the Disabled with CBR activities

Advocacy on all matters connected with empowerment

VI. Human Resource Development Scheme (HRDS)

Training of Rural Youth for sustainable and gainful employment

Promotion of seminars/workshops on various aspects including traditional knowledge systems

Placement of Young Professionals (YPs) with NGOs and DRDAs

Experienced Professionals

Counseling services by CAPART

Sponsorship for attending regional/national/international workshops, training programmes and seminars.

Capacity building of Panchayati Raj functionaries

Capacity building of NGOs (micro planning, project formulation, accounting and governance, subject matter trainings etc.)

Promotion of Vikalp Fellowship

Internship programme for students specializing in rural development and related issues

Scholarship Programme for meritorious and talented youth from deprived communities (SC, ST, OBC, etc.)

Advocacy on all matters connected with empowerment

Eligibility Criteria for NGOs seeking CAPART support

1. Should have been registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 or a State amendment thereof or the Indian Trusts Act, 1882 or the Religious and Charitable Institutions Registration Act, 1920.

2. Should have completed 3 years from the date of registration on the date of application filed with CAPART.

3. Should have a bank or post office account for the three years preceding the date of filling of application to CAPART for funding.

4. Rural Development should be one of the objectives in the Memorandum of Association.

5, Should be working with beneficiaries in rural areas even if the NGO’s headquarters is located in an urban area.

6. The area of operation must be rural, meaning thereby a village included within the jurisdiction of a gram panchayat; areas included within the limits of Municipal Corporations, Municipalities, Notified Area Committees and Town Panchayats will not be considered as rural areas.

7. Should comply with the requirement of IT Department (PAN, 12 A and 80 G) or should have at least applied for the same.

8. The organization should be broad based and representative in character. Composition of office bearers should not be related to each other or within the family or a family affair.

9. Should not have been put on the CAPARTs list of organizations to which funding has been suspended for acts of omission and commission.

10. Members of the sanctioning committees of CAPART, namely, EC/NSC/RC or their family members and/or relatives should not be the office bearers of the NGOs which are seeking assistance from CAPART.

11. There should not be more than three ongoing projects under implementation by the NGO with funding by CAPART on the date of application filed with CAPART.

Documents to be submitted along with the proposal (Copies should be attested by a Gazetted Officer)

1. Registration certificate

2. Bye-laws of the NGO (authenticity of the registration certificate in case of amendments, if any, subsequent to the registration of the NGO.)

3, Latest composition of the Managing Committee/Executive Body indicating the authenticity from the registration authorities.

4. Annual Report of the NGO during the last 3 years.

5. Audited accounts, viz.. Receipt and Payment Account, Income and Expenditure Account and Balance Sheet along with Auditor’s certificate and report.

6. Documents relating to PAN number/exemption order under Section 80G and 12A obtained from Income-tax Department/authority or request letters sent to Income Tax Authorities for obtaining these documents.

7. Bank/Post office pass book reflecting the transactions for the last 3 years.

8. Certificate from the Bank Manager / Post Master stating that the account is operative for the last 3 years.

9. Resolution of the society authorizing the Chief Functionary of the NGO to approach CAPART with the specific proposal for obtaining financial assistance.

10. Other documents relevant to specific project proposal, i.e. land pattas in respect of housing, land development programmes, NOC/permission from the owners of the common property, etc.

11. Certificate that a similar project proposal has not been submitted either to CAPART Head Office/Regional Committee or to any other funding agency and that it will not be submitted during the pendency of this proposal with the Regional Committee/HO.

Sanctioning and Implementation Procedures

Schedule of calendar for processing the applications of the NGOs up to the stage of issue of sanction letter

The proposals received from the NGOs will be cleared within the maximum period of 90 days from the date of its receipt in the office. In case of proposals requiring time consuming verification and for other complicated cases, the maximum period within which the proposal will be cleared is 120 days. The detailed schedule for processing the applications of the NGOs is as under:



Period (working days)

1. Examination of papers at a glance 2
2. File number generation in ITD 3
3. Desk appraisal by YP/RO/HoD/MC 10
4. Approval of DDG/MC for deputing monitor/calling for clarification and dending letter to the PE 5
5. Obtaining report from the monitor 15
6. Processing of monitors report by YP/RO/HoD/MC 10
7. Clearance of proposal by the RC/NSC 15
8. Finalisation/approval of minutes and communication of sanction of the NGO 15
Total 75

Maximum period for issue of sanction from the date of receipt of the application would be 90 days including holidays/Saturdays/Sundays.

In case of any incomplete information/documents, which are to be collected from the NGO, maximum time within which the proposal will be cleared is 120 days.

Desk appraisal

As soon as the proposal is received from the NGO, a computerized acknowledgement is sent to them. Later on the proposal is desk-apprised and if it fulfils the basic eligibility criteria and all mandatory documents are attached with the proposal, a computer-generated file number is given to it. If any technical details are missing, the NGO is asked to provide the same. In case the proposal is not technically and financially viable, it is rejected and the NGO is informed of the reasons for rejection. If the proposal is found to be feasible for consideration, the same is sent for pre-funding appraisal.

Pre-Funding appraisal

After the desk-appraisal of the proposal, CAPART sends its empanelled monitor for pre-funding appraisal to look into the following aspects:

Adherence to the statutory requirements – periodic filling of reports and returns with the registration authorities, filling of income tax returns, if any, compliance with the FCRA requirements, etc.

Maintenance of basic records – minutes book, books of accounts, etc.

To hold consultation with the members of the society for an assessment of the transparency in management within the society.

Rapport established both with the people and the local administration.

Consultations made with the people, panchayat functionaries, etc. in the formulation of project proposals.

Acceptance and viability of the proposal forwarded.

Comments on the need for the project proposed.

To hold consultations with the line departments, banks, etc. for sustainability of the project.

Specific recommendations of the monitor.

Meeting of the NSC/RC for consideration of the proposals

Based on the field assessment report received from the monitor, the project proposal is further processed/ recommendations are moderated in tune with the capacity of the NGO and the needs of the area. Accordingly the project proposals are placed before the NSC/RC depending upon the financial outlay of the project. The delegated financial outlay of RC/NSC/EC are as under:

Financial outlay up to Rs. 25 lakhs RC
Above Rs. 25 lakhs and up to Rs.1crore (in respect of NRDM project Above Rs. 25 lakhs & up to Rs. 1.50 crore) NSC
Above Rs. 1.50 crore in respect of NRDM EC

Issue of sanction letter with terms & conditions

Once the proposal is approved by the EC/NSC/RC, a sanction letter with detailed terms and conditions for implementing the project is issued to the NGO for their acceptance by the competent authority.

Procedure for sanctioning workshops, seminars and training proposals

Workshop/seminar/training projects are normally given to established NGOs having sufficient infrastructure and expertise. Proposals received in proper form will be cleared within one month from the date of receipt of the proposal and the funds sanctioned will be released along with the sanction to facilitate the NGO to conduct the workshop/seminar/training programmes as per the schedule proposed in consultation with the HQs/RCs concerned. If with regard to these proposals, there is a time-constraint, DG/DDGs will clear the proposals and place the same before NSC/RC for information.

On completion of the envisaged activity, NGOs are to furnish completion report containing information on the following:

Details of resource persons involved.

Details of NGOs who participated.

Details of topics covered including the exposure visit, if any, organized.

Audited statement of accounts and utilization certificate for the grant received by them.

A few photographs of the activity during the programme.

Feedback on the programme from the participants.

Suggestions for the future.

Procedure for approval of Gram Shree Melas-Buyer-seller Meets and exhibitions

Following is the procedure for approval of gran-shree melas-cum-buyer seller meets and exhibition:

MC will prepare a calendar of melas to be organized in their respective regions including the State capitals during a financial year and submit the proposal to the Headquarters along with the proposed locations, dates of the melas and the names of the NGOs for organizing the proposed melas.

The proposal will be examined in the Headquarters and the approval of the HQ will be communicated to the MC.

The identified NGOs will be asked to submit the proposal to the MC which will be scrutinized by his office as per the gramshree mela guidelines and will be forwarded to the HQ for approval.

After approval of the proposal by the Headquarter, the MC will issue the sanction letter to the NGO along with the list of participating NGOs for sending the invitation letters.

In addition to the gram-shree melas-cum-buyer seller meet, CAPART will also participate in relevant exhibitions organized by various other agencies.

MC will coordinate and get the gram-shree melas-cum-buyer seller meet monitored and report forwarded to the HQs.

Support Services of CAPART to NGOs

For implementation of the main schemes, following support services will be provided to the NGOs:

Information, Publicity, Facilitation & Consultancy Centers (IPFCCs)

Technology Service Centres (TSC)

Consultancy services

Media related activities

Augmenting resources of CAPART

Confederation of NGOs of Rural India (CNRI)

Technology Service Centres (TSC)

In the interest of advancement of different technologies including IT for rural development, TSCs are being given the status of vanguard in the technological transformation of rural India under the aegis of NGOs/ CAPART. This is a major initiative of CAPART with the objective of promoting scientific temper and technological bent of mind among the rural youth who should explore job opportunities with the aid of technologies in the emerging markets.

NGOs with expertise and potential in one or mere technologies with demonstrative acumen are eligible for TSC of CAPART. They should have minimum required infrastructure (Technical personal, training and demonstration facilities) and are in a position to conduct Trainer’s training programme, demonstration and transfer of technologies available with them to the target groups but have not yet undertaken any adaptive Research & Development due to which they are not eligible for TRC at present. Such NGOs may be considered for promoting Technology Service Centre (TSCs) with assistance from CAPART. These NGOs may build their capacity in course of time to be eligible for TRCs. The TSCs may be supported for conducting demonstrations, field trials, training, adaptive Research & Development, work-shops, seminars, documentation, publication, EDP, marketing etc. They will be assisted partially/fully to make R & D on the technology on a case to case basis to reduce cost and ensure economy in scale of production. Improvement and resultant acceptability of the technology will upgrade the status of the NGO to become TRC of CAPART in due course.

Application of potential technologies depends largely on area specific, need specific and geo-climatic dispensations. Minor modification, fine tuning required for the application of a particular technology will be supported by CAPART for its popularization and dissemination on a very large scale. Training, extension and demonstration of such technologies could be part of the overall package of the programme.

Consultancy Services

CAPART will identity experienced professionals who have sought either Voluntary retirement from Government or Private Sector or have duly retired from services and are available for productive developmental activities. Their skills and experience will be utilised by CAPART. A register will be maintained by CAPART containing the names of the EPs and their services will be made available to NGOs/DRDs/Others who need consultancy services.

Confederation of NGOs of Rural India (CNRT)

One of the objectives of CAPART is networking with the State level and national level rural NGO fora and voice their hopes and aspirations and to build partnership alliance and also to identify and work in close contact and cooperation with the international rural NGO for a on appropriate lines for the benefit of the country.

The idea of setting up of State level forum of rural NGOs had come up for discussion in all the regional meetings held by CAPART. The idea was widely welcomed in all the meetings and some of the NGOs had taken steps to establish the forum in their States either on structured legal lines or in an ad-hoc voluntary fashion. The idea was thereafter discussed at national level which culminated into establishment of the Confederation of NGOs of Rural India (CNRI) at the national level as a registered society.

The objective of the move was that the CNRI would act as a platform at national level to voice the cause of NGOs like FICCI, Cll for industry and business sector. CAPART would also receive the suggestions of the State and national forum on the various programmes and activities commented upon by them and welcome new initiatives. Depending upon the capability of the forum, CAPART would also entrust them with the task of organizing large scale training programmes, market related events, regional seminars and workshops. etc.

National Registration of NGOs seeking assistance from CAPART

To promote and streamline the NGO movement, CAPART has opened a system of registration of all the NGOs interested in availing of CAPARTs assistance. The registration is open to all the registered organizations subject to making available the following documents:

An attested photocopy of the Registration Certificate/Registered Trust Deed.

An attested photocopy of the Memorandum of Association and Bye-laws relating to the society.

An attested photocopy of the bank pass book with transactions if any carried out.

An attested photocopy of the FCRA number accorded by the Ministry of Home Affairs, if any.

An attested photocopy of the Permanent Account Number (PAN), if any, obtained from the Income Tax Department.

Audited statement of accounts and Annual Reports, if any, prepared.

Credentials will be assessed and accordingly NGOs fulfilling the laid down requirements will be accorded accreditation number which will be quoted by the NGO for all correspondence with CAPART Head quarters/ RC.

Registration does not entail assurance of getting financial assistance from CAPART and the funding will be done as per the laid down procedure on merits.



Address of the Regional Committee Office

Area of Operation

1. Regional Representative and Member Convener North East Zone Regional Committee-CAPART Ashok Path, Bashishtha Road (Survey) Guwahati – 781028 Tel : 0361 – 2268368/2269113 Fax:0361-2222118 Email: [email protected] Assam, Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Sikkim and Tripura.
2. Regional Representative and Member Convener North Zone Regional Committee-CAPART Tambi Towers, 3rd Floor, Sansar Chandra Road Jaipur-302017 Tel : 0141 – 2379783,2373460 Fax:0141-2379783 Email: [email protected] Delhi, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan
3. Regional Representative and Member Convener West Zone Regional Committee-CAPART Navjivan Trust Campus, Ashram Road Ahmedabad-380 014 Tel : 079 – 7545072/7545073 Fax: 079-7545072 Email: [email protected] Maharashtra, Gujarat, Dadar & Nagar Haveli, Daman and Diu and Goa
4. Regional Representative and Member Convener N 1-A/7, IRC Village, Nayapalli, Near CRPF Square Bhubneswar-751015 Tel: 0674-2552244,2551028 Fax: 0674-2552244 Email: [email protected] Orissa, West Bengal, Chattisgarth, Andaman and Nicnhar Islands
5. Regional Representative and Member Convenor Regional Committee, CAPART SCO/I 79-180, II Floor, Sector 17-C, Chandigarh Tel: 0172-2720465 Fax: 0172-2700457 Email: [email protected] Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Chandigarh and Punjab
6. Regional Representative and Member Convenor South Zone Regional Committee, CAPART Faculty Building No. II, National Institute of Rural Development, Rajendra Nagar, Hyderabad – 500 030 Tel: 040-24017851 Fax: 040-24018669 Email: [email protected] Andhara Pradesh, Pondicheny and Tamil Nadu
7. Regional Representative and Member Convenor Central Zone Regional Committee, CAPART PICUP Bhawan, 6th Floor, Block – A Vibhuti Khand, Gornti Nagar, Lucknow-226010 Tel : 0522 – 2721695 Fax:0522-2721696 Email: [email protected] Uttar Pradesh and Uttranchal
8. Regional Representative and Member Convenor Regional Committee, CAPART Biscomaun Tower, 5th Floor West Gandhi Maidan, Patna-800 001 Tel: 0612-2211648 Fax:0612-2211648 Email: [email protected] Bihar and Jharkhand
9. Regional Representative and Member Convenor Regional Committee, CAPART Basava Nivas, Pavate Compount, UB Hill District; Dharwad (Karnataka) Tel: 0836-2440309 Fax: 0836-2447176 Email: [email protected] Lakshaeweep, Kamataka and Kerala

CAPART H.Q. Address

CAPART, Zone V-A, Core-C; 2nd Floor, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110 003 Tel : 24642395, Fax : 24648607, Website:

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