NGOs India : NGO Resource Centre for NGOs of India – To support NGOs
NGO Information and NGO Resource Centre NGOs India is an Information Resource Centre for Non Governmental Organisations (NGO), Non Profit Organisations (NPO), Voluntary Organisations and Social Organisations for sharing and dissemination of available Information Resources of the social and development sector. Social activists, stakeholders, volunteers, social service organisations and other beneficiaries including Organisations and social workers from India and other countries can get the information resources to develop and strengthen their organisation. They can use these resources to know about all kind of process about establishment, formation, registration, and management of NGOs. This can help them implement the work processes for which information and knowledge are required. NGOs India supports who support others for social welfare and social development purpose. The support is for Information Resources dissemination and guidance.
Visions and Mission of NGOs India
NGOs India is committed to social justice, sustainable development, and human rights. The right to communicate freely is a basic human right and a necessity for sustainable development. Access to information is essential to informed decision-making at all levels. NGOs India is committed to the dissemination of Information Resources and promotion of sustainable development initiatives, in response to the needs of under-represented and marginalized sectors of society. For bridging the data gap and improving information availability NGO network is committed to develop and establish an ideal medium for the Participation and exchange of a trusted and accurate source of quality information. Resource material, information and database Main aims of NGOs India is to provide an online resource center for required resource materials, information and all kinds of concerned knowledge-based documents for NGOs. NGOs India provides the resource material where NGOs can find various options and opportunities to get useful and available authentic information to achieve their aims and targets. In case of the latest updates about the information or process or applicability the official information available at concerned Government Websites must be checked, verified before proceed to implement. We recommend that the latest updates about the information provided at web portal can be checked at the concerned Government websites and from the concerned authorities with the latest updated. Along with the resource material, NGOs India provides consultancy services, direct consulting support and applicable help under consultancy for NGO Registration, NGO Management, to find and get Funding and financial Projects with the service help of Consultants. NGOs India guides and supports under consultancy service to get funds for all kinds of Social development issues to the NGOs practically and transparently working and following Credibility Parameters. On the online resource center, NGOs and their associates can find database and information about the funding schemes of Government Ministries, Government Departments, Public Sector Units, Indian Funding Agencies, Foreign Funding Agencies and Support Groups. The guidance and support is for certain NGOs and certain Social Activists are following Credibility Parameters and on certain Recognition Parameters only. Networking among NGOs, activists to implement concepts and objects NGOs India has been promoting and making resource and information collaborations for three decades with the creative and constructive networking among NGOs to develop the effective partnership so they can work to implement their objects to develop and improve the socio-economic status of the society. The Networking is for accessing, sharing and contributing resources, issues, information and to associate with other like-minded NGOs which are working on similar issues or other issues to improve the social development and living with healthy conditions. The Networking is for strengthening of NGOs and social organisations from improving their knowledge, identification about their tasks and programmes by getting and sharing the experience with the NGO partners in their certain relevant sectors. NGOs India is dedicated, for a long time from capacity building of grassroots organisations and their activists through consultancy service and online available information resources to get funds and support so they can implement their projects and programmes through Information Resources, the available Resources at this single platform can help Charity organisations and groups of people to serve the society in a better way. Network of Volunteers, Supports and NGOs Many NGOs exist which do not have funds or do not want funds or want to work with more than their available resources, this is possible through Volunteers and support persons. NGOs India has been providing a network of Volunteers and the recognised NGOs who wish to work with Volunteers for social cause. NGOs India has been supporting the well recognised NGOs who are transparently working for social changes in the society and the Volunteers associated and working with such good NGOs feel satisfaction to contribute their time and resources in various sectors of the society. For this purpose the information of various information is available at website. Want to work as Volunteer -> Volunteer OpportunitiesNGO : Non Governmental Organisation – Non Profit Organisation
NGO works to improve the policies, enhances the work pattern, improves and implements the welfare and development schemes of Government and causes for human welfare. NGO can not be a part of Political party but works as organised civil society, as an organisation to advocate, promote and monitor the political working based on development of society with the human right issues, education, health, environment and other welfare and development causes, aims, objects and issues. NGO operates, organises, manages, supports and runs programmes, activities, projects and works at local, regional, national and international level according to the requirements and operational capacity of the NGO. Orientation based NGO runs, manages, supports, undertakes and implements Natural Resource Management, Empowerment, Social Development, Social Awareness, Political Awareness, Animal Welfare, Economic and Financial Development, Infrastructure Development, Improves and undertakes Livelihood programmes of communities, improves and maintains culture, improves and implements technological and science related tasks and programmes to improves the living of human beings. NGO Works and supports to govern and implement laws, works to create laws and policies for welfare and improvement of human life in mutual concern.
Reliability and Recognition for NGO
In the present conditional how to know that which is reliable and the actual organisations and who are the real social entrepreneurs you can trust upon as a real change maker who are working with a spirit, vision and mission to not get any personal profit and benefit? Such people come from the society. There are change makers and leader may be few but they can lead to the society in the real positive change making process and social development process. Only those real kind of social activists and social entrepreneurs deserve for such support and resources. Reliability matters most. Negative part is also there is the Social and NGO sector. In the name of NGO many wants to utilise the resources for their own benefit we have to avoid such elements if we want to contribute our energy and useful resources for those we expect to share and support them to achieve their goals. What are the parameters for the NGO Sector and Social Activists to get recognition and justify that it is true and correct? Answer is simple – What they claim for or claim about, that they must be really following and truly implementing in their own life, system, status and resources, then they can be identified as real and recognised. The characters, qualities and parameters of any NGO and of its promoters, organisers, operators, managers and members – the social entrepreneurs and social activists who are doing, accepting, following, performing, implementing or in process to do so. Credibility Parameters of NGO Recognition and Accreditation Credibility Parameters to recognise Social Workers and NGO MembersWhat is NGO Know what is meaning of NGO and Type of NGOs.
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NGO Registration
NGO – Trust or Society
Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) or Non Profit Organisation (NPO) can be registered by many registration processes in India like Society, Company, Trust or any valid formation but status of the registered organisation is equal and equally recognised as NGO (Non Governmental Organisation /Non-Profit Organisation). Registration process of NGO under Indian Trust Act, Society Registration Act, Company Registration Act or any other act/ law are different but the status of the registered organisation is equal as NGO. There is no difference in the status of NGO to get funding from Central/State Government Departments/ Ministries, Foreign funding agencies, Indian funding agencies, companies for Corporate social responsibility, individuals or any support agencies. NGO registered through any process/ act can get registered under Income Tax Act, Foreign Currency Regulation Act (FCRA) or any kind of registration with any Government requirement. Every registered NGO are not eligible for the registration under various departments’ registration. The NGO must fulfill the registration process and parameters as required by the concerned department or authority. But the basic registration parameters do not matter that by which act the Voluntary Organisation is registered as NGO. Just check here the comparison, difference and similarity between Trust, Society and Non Profit Company: Trust, Society and Company. So now question is that how to register and under which act you have to register NGO? What kind of NGO is suitable to operate and manage? For answer and solution you can discuss with NGO Consultants at NGO Consultancy – NGOsIndia.netNGO Registration
What is Difference between Trust, Society and Non Profit CompanyNGO Funding, Grants, Fundraising Support
- Funding Schemes of Central Ministries of Government of India
- Funding Schemes Government of India
- Funding Schemes of Foreign Funding Agencies
- Funding Schemes of Private Funding Agencies
- Funding Schemes of State Governments
- CSR Funding Schemes
NGO Resources in States